
Welcome to the ÖSG Midsommarfest!
Supported by the Swedish Embassy, the ÖSG (Austrian Swedisch Society) celebrates the traditional Midsommarfest. We are looking forward to meeting a lot of old and young guests!
Dance with us around the “midsommarstång”, enjoy music, Swedish food and drinks.
Fiskdam för barnen!
In case of bad weather the event will be cancelled. You may find information about that the day before on the ÖSG website.
Union Sportanlage Mauer
1230 Vienna, Erhardgasse 2
You reach the site easily by public transport
– tram line 60 to station “Franz-Asenbauer-Gasse” and walk 300m, or
– Bus 56A or 56B to “Maurer Friedhof”

In cooperation with VÖNL:
The Diplomatic Academy of Vienna and the Danish Club Austria are pleased to announce a public lecture on „GREENLAND AND THE ARCTIC: Climate Change, Resources, Economic Perspectives and Governance“ with Martin Breum on Monday, 9th May 2016 at 6.30 p.m. in the “Musikzimmer” of the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna (Favoritenstraße 15a, 1040 Wien).
Martin Breum is author of two recent books on Greenland, Denmark and the Arctic: “When the Ice Disappears” and “The Greenland Dilemma”; producer of six very recent tv-documentaries on the history of the Danish realm.
Welcome and introduction: Torben M. Roepstorff, President, Danish Club Austria
Moderation: Peter Neumann, Vice-President, Danish Club Austria
Please register to this Greenland Program via this registration form on DA website!