VÖNL informs:
Two Norwegian Male Chorus are visiting Austria and having their performance in Stiftskirche Klosterneuburg April, 16 7:30 p.m. – free entrance!
Fana Mannskor and StPaulKoret (church choir St. Paul, Bergen): Director Amund Dahlen
Soloists: Kristine Klubben, trumpet and Gunnar Andor Nieland, baritone
Regarding to our event due to the 15th anniversary of the association in October 2014 we would like to invite you to a guided tour of the exhibition “Europe in Vienna, the Congress of Vienna in 1814-15″ at the Lower Belvedere on 23th April 3 p.m. and here you get more information.
Information to this exhibition in Lower Belvedere: “Europa in Wien”
VÖNL informs:
Varmt välkommen att fira en nordisk gudstjänst på svenska, norska, danska och finska. Hjertelig velkommen til å feire en nordisk gudstjeneste på norsk, dansk, svensk og finsk. Hjerteligt velkommen til at fejre en nordisk gudstjeneste på dansk, norsk, svensk og finsk. Lämpimästi tervetuloa juhlimaan kanssamme pohjoismaista jumalanpalvelusta, jossa yhdistyvät suomen, ruotsin, norjan ja tanskan kieli sekä jumalanpalveluskulttuuri.
Welcome to celebrate Whitsun in a nordic way! The worship will be held in Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian and Danish – the sermon in German. It takes place in the Swedish Church (Gentzgasse 10, 1180 Vienna) and afterwards there will be a reception.