Author Archives: voenl

Nordic Summer Ball in Vienna

Photo: Marco Buechl /

Many thanks to all our guests and sponsors for a wonderful and amusing ball night at the Nordic Summer Ball 2019! On the occasion of the 20-year anniversary of the Association Austria-Nordic Countries, the ball committee sent out invitations to the second Nordic Summer Ball in Vienna, eventually held on June 14th 2019 at Palais Schönburg. It was a truly enchanting night filled with a varied programme, including musical as well as dance performances and workshops honouring and celebrating Nordic

Wienin Riesenrad loistaa 6.12. sinivalkoisena Suomen 100-vuotisen itsenäisyyden kunniaksi


Tiedote 1.12.2017, Suomen suurlähetystö, Wien Wienin kaupungin tunnus, maailmanpyörä Riesenrad Praterin huvipuistoalueella loistaa Suomen itsenäisyyspäivänä 6.12.2017 itsenäisyyden juhlavuoden kunniaksi Suomen lipun värein. Valaistus alkaa klo 17.30 ja kestää keskiyöhön. Suomen juhlavuotta on juhlittu Suomessa ja ulkomailla, mukaan lukien Itävallassa, monin tapahtumin läpi koko vuoden. Juhlavuosi huipentuu itsenäisyyspäivään, jolloin Suomen Wienin suurlähetystö järjestää yhteistyökumppaneidensa kanssa juhlavastaanotot kutsuvieraille. Lukuisia tunnettuja kohteita valaistaan 100-vuotiaan kunniaksi ympäri maailmaa, muun muassa Rooman Colosseum, Tukholman Globen-areena sekä Niagaran putoukset Kanadassa. Suomen suurlähetystö on iloinen ja otettu,

Nordic Summer Ball 2017


The Association Austria – Nordic Countries (VÖNL) organises its first summer ball, located in the elegant setting of Palace Schönburg, in cooperation with the bilateral associations of the Nordic and Baltic countries, on Friday, 9 June. In addition to all the traditional elements of a typical Austrian ball, there will also be Nordic dances, music and songs, which will delight both seasoned ball visitors and admirers of the Nordic cultures who come together to celebrate a dazzling and entertaining summer night. For further information please visit our Ball-Website Welcome!

Panel discussion “250 years since the world’s first Press Freedom Act”


The Permanent Delegation of Sweden to the OSCE, the Embassy of Sweden in Vienna, the Embassy of Finland in Vienna and the Permanent Delegation of Finland to the OSCE cordially invite you to a panel discussion on the topic of freedom of expression and media freedom followed by a reception on 29th November 2016 at 6pm, in Schwedenhaus Wien. Join us in a discussion on how to uphold free speech and press in a changing political and technological environment!

Concert with Finnish male choir “Kokkolan Lauluveikot” at Christkindlmarkt

Kokkolan Lauluveikot

You have the opportunity to listen to Kokkolan Lauluveikot on Saturday 3rd December at Christkindlmarkt in front of Rathaus, expected time 4 p.m. “Kokkolas Song Brothers” was founded in 1928. It is the oldest Finnish speaking male choir in the Central Ostrobothnia region. The choir has traveled to several European countries and also to USA and Canada. The first trip abroad the choir made was to Fredericia, Denmark in 1954. The choir has about 60 active members and three groups that mostly rehearse separately but perform together several times every year. Welcome!

Wienin Suomalaisen kouluyhdistyksen joulumyyjäiset

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Nur mehr ein Monat – am 20.11. 12-18 Uhr – und dann findet der traditionelle finnische Weihnachtsbasar in Klosterneuburg statt! Schon seit über 30 Jahren veranstaltet der finnische Schulverein in Wien einen finnischen Weihnachtsbasar mit nordischem Flair. Bei der Tombola kann man mit etwas Glück tolle Preise gewinnen. Und wenn “Joulupukki” endlich in der Babenbergerhalle ankommt, leuchten nicht nur die Kinderaugen! Der Erlös des Weihnachtsbasars kommt den Schülern des finnischen Schulvereins zugute. Sydämellisesti tervetuloa!

Speech on Climate Change, Paris Declaration and Montreal Protocol by Danish Ole Nielsen


The Danish Club Austria (Dansk Club Østrig – Dänischer Club Österreich) is pleased to announce a Speech on Climate Change, Paris Declaration and Montreal Protocol: Implications for the environment, countries, industry and people by Ole Nielsen, Danish UN expert on Montreal Protocol on Thursday 3rd November at 6:30 p.m. (Favoritenstrasse 22-24, 1040 Vienna). After the speech there will be an opportunity to talk with Ole Nielsen over a glass of wine and a small buffet. Free attendance for members, Non-Members € 15. Registration by 2nd November to

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