
Contact & Imprint


Media owner, publisher, content and editorial responsibility:

Verband Österreich – Nordische Länder
Leopoldsgraben 6
A-3400 Klosterneuburg

ZVR-Zahl: 797720114

The contents of the website are published on the internet for online access. Copyright and rights of use for texts, graphics, design and source code belongs to “Verband Österreich – Nordische Länder” and the copyright on most photographs on this website belongs to Elisabeth HoloubekThe preparation, the use and non-commercial dissemination of copies in electronic or printed form are permitted if the content remains unaltered, and the source (Source: Website Verband Österreich – Nordische Länder, Vienna, Austria) is specified.
Structure, design and technical support:

The content and graphic design was carried out by “Verband Österreich – Nordische Länder” in cooperation wit JewelLabs Ing Viktor Perdula Filmproduktion und EDV-Dienstleistung, that performed the technical implementation. The Content Manager ist the Vice President Elisabeth Holoubek.

Editorial and technical responsibility for linked pages:

The author of this site has no influence to the content of linked external sites and therefore neither editorial nor technical responsibility for this.

Any questions?

You have a request or would like to know more about us? Then simply fill out our contact form. Your inquiry will be answered as soon as possible.

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