
Swedish Community in Austria

The Swedish Triangle

In Austria, the Swedish Embassy represents Sweden in all formal and official matters. The Swedish Trade Council, a commercial consultancy operation with official status, represents the interests of Swedish industry in Austria, offering them commercial advice on their respective activities. The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Austria, a non-profit organization, represents the interests of Sweden related professionals and their respective companies, offering them a relevant network of peers and interests. The three parties actively agree to the above and coordinate accordingly.”

Die Königliche Botschaft von Schweden
Schwedische Botschafterin Mikaela Kumlin granit

Ambassador HE Mikaela Kumlin Granit
Liechtensteinstr. 51
1090 Vienna

T +43 1 217 53-0
E ambassaden.wien@gov.se
W www.swedenabroad.com/wien

Former Ambassadors:

1992-1995 IE Anita Ingegerd Gradin
1995-2000 SE Björn Ingvar Skala
2000-2005 IE Maria Gabriella Lindholm
2005-2011 SE Hans Lundborg
2011-2015 SE Nils Daag
2015-2018 IE Helen Eduards

Das Schwedenhaus

Liechtensteinstr. 51
1090 Vienna

Das Schwedenhaus Wien – welches als Schwedenzentrum im Herbst 2015 etabliert wurde – erlaubt neue Möglichkeiten Schweden zu fördern und seine Sichtbarkeit zu erhöhen. Durch attraktive Räume mit moderner Ausrüstung wurden gute Voraussetzungen für verschiedene Arten von Veranstaltungen geschaffen. Örtliche Schwedenorganisationen und  Vereine haben bereits ihr Interesse bekundet.


Schwedische Aussenhandelsstelle – Business Sweden in Vienna (for Austria and Hungary)


Trade Commissioner Hampus Nilzén

Wipplingerstrasse 24-26
1010 Vienna

T +43 1 402351521
E austria@business-sweden.se

The Swedish Chamber of Commerce is the driving network hub for Swedish and Scandinavian related professionals in all stages of their life and their associated corporations. It is a gathering point for members with business interests in Austria, a bridge between Austrian and Swedish industry, one of the corners in the Swedish Triangle in Austria and reaches more than 1.000 Swedish-connected people in Austria. Their activities: Swedish Management Forums where accomplished individuals present current matters from business and politics, Swedish Round Tables are excellent occasions for members to present themselves, the annual “Schwedischer Wirtschaftspreis” awarding, the traditional Lucia Dinner in December, Winteropening in January, Crayfish Party “Kräftskiva” end of summer, After Work events and many more.
Schwedische Handelskammer in Österreich (Swedish Chamber of Commerce)

Interim President Paul Turac
Wipplingerstrasse 24-26
1010 Vienna

T +43 1 402 351 522
E admin@swecham.at
W www.swecham.at


Österreichisch-Schwedische Gesellschaft

President Viveka Slama Kern

E viveka.slama@oesterreichschweden.com


Schwedische Schule

Director Susanne Hiort

Scheibelreitergasse 15
1190 Wien

T +43 1 3207980
E svenskaskolan@svenskaskolan.at


Schwedische Kirche

Priest Ulf Karlsson

Gentzgasse 10
1180 Wien

T +43 1 479 65 17
E wien@svenskakyrkan.se und ulfhkarlsson@yahoo.se


Swedish Women’s Educational Association (SWEA International)

E wien@swea.org
W swea.org