Austro-Lithuanian Society

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Österreichisch-Litauische Gesellschaft


T +43 664 5386735


The objectives of the society are to consolidate the relations between Austria and Lithuania in the field of science, culture and tourism, and to take care of the preservation and preservation of the Lithuanian language, customs and national character.

The ÖLG is made up of people interested in Lithuania and those interested in cultural exchange:
• Interested in Lithuania in cultural, economic or political terms?
• Are you tempting Lithuania as a tourist destination?
• Curious about the Lithuanian language, probably the oldest Indo-European language?

Would you like to be part of the different activities of the ÖLG? Then you are very welcome to the Austrian-Lithuanian Society!

The Austrian-Lithuanian Society (ÖLG) was founded in 1997 and was admitted to the Association of Foreign Companies of Austria in the same year.

President: Prof. Wolfgang Klos
Vice President: Univ.Prof. DI Dr. techn. Eugenijus Kaniušas
General Secretary: Dipl. Päd. MEd. Eva Kienast
Treasurer: Rūta Fischer
Brigadier i.R. Mag. Roland Vogel
Dr. Raoul Käuffler
Mag. Leiba Schnaider

Statutes: Here you find our statutes
Membership: Here you find your membership application