Ann Bernes zu Gast im Bruno Kreisky Forum für internationalen Dialog

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„Women in Dialogue“ kuratiert von Viola Raheb am Dienstag, den 26. April um 19 Uhr im Bruno Kreisky Forum (Armbrustergasse 15, 1190 Wien).

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When the Swedish Social Democratic Party and Green Party formed a coalition government after the 2014 elections, they called themselves the world’s first feminist government and have since then intensified Sweden’s domestic gender mainstreaming and conducted a feminist foreign policy.  In November 2015 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented its action plan for the feminist foreign policy with long-term goals for the years 2015 to 2018 and six focus areas for 2016:

  1. To strengthen the human rights of women and girls in humanitarian situations
  2. To combat gender-based and sexual violence against women and girls in conflict and post conflict situations and impunity for such crimes
  3. To promote the participation of women as actors in peace processes and peace support operations
  4. To promote the participation of women and girls as actors for economically, socially and environmentally sustainable development
  5. To strengthen  the economic empowerment of women and girls  and their access to economic resources, including through productive employmentand decent work
  6. To strengthen sexual and reproductive rights of girls and young people


Begrüßung: Helen Eduards, Ambassador of Sweden

Keynote:  Ann Bernes, Ambassador for Gender Equality and Coordinator of Sweden’s Feminist Foreign Policy sowie Sandra Breiteneder, International Relations, Trade Union

Moderation: Eva Linsinger, weekly profil

Das Programm des Bruno Kreisky Forums für internationalen Dialog wird mit Unterstützung der Stadt Wien, der Republik Österreich (Bundeskanzleramt, Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft, Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung und Sport, Austrian Development Agency), der Oesterreichischen Nationalbank und mit Hilfe privater Sponsoren realisiert. Das Bruno Kreisky Forum dankt all ihren Förderern und zahlreichen Partnern für die gute Zusammenarbeit.