Speech on Climate Change, Paris Declaration and Montreal Protocol by Danish Ole Nielsen

The Danish Club Austria (Dansk Club Østrig – Dänischer Club Österreich) is pleased to announce a Speech on Climate Change, Paris Declaration and Montreal Protocol: Implications for the environment, countries, industry and people by Ole Nielsen, Danish UN expert on Montreal Protocol on Thursday 3rd November 2016 at 6:30 p.m. (Favoritenstrasse 22-24, 1040 Vienna).

After the speech there will be an opportunity to talk with Ole Nielsen over a glass of wine and a small buffet.

Free attendance for members, Non-Members € 15, registration by 2nd November to info@danskclub.at

Background information: The Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer is considered as the most successful environmental convention in history. Whereas the scope of the Montreal Protocol was purely ozone layer protection, it also has a substantial positive impact on climate change. The historic amendment of Montreal Protocol, agreed on October 15 this year in Kigali/Rwanda, is the largest possible single step to combat climate change.

Mr. Ole Nielsen, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), graduated from Technical University of Copenhagen in 1988 as mechanical engineer specialized in energetics and refrigeration. Worked in the Danish refrigeration industry until 1996. Acted as independent technical consultant on Montreal Protocol project formulation and implementation until 2003. Returned then to the private sector as sales manager for refrigeration equipment. Joined UNIDO in 2011, as Chief of the Refrigeration and Aerosols Unit within the Montreal Protocol Branch. Involved in Montreal Protocol since 1993 through consultancy, private sector and lately through an implementing agency; with specialty in refrigeration sector.