Vortrag am 13. Juni 2019 des DCØ – Dansk Club Østrig




The Danish Club Austria and Danes Worldwide


Invitation to the Danish Business Forum

Speech and discussion on

’The impact of digitalization on organizations” by

Professor Emeritus, Dr. Niels Bjørn-Andersen, Copenhagen Business School (CBS).

Professor Niels Bjørn-Andersen will draw on his extensive research experience on this subject and highlight selected Danish enterprise experience on the impact of innovation and digitization on organizations.

The speech will be held on Thursday 13. June at 18.30 hours in

Favoritenstrasse 22-24 vis-a-vis the Diplomatic Academy Vienna.

After the presentation participants will have an opportunity to meet the speaker and enjoy a small buffet and wine.

RSVP by 11th June to Dr. Torben M. Roepstorff, President, Danish Club Austria (office@danskclub.at   or 0699 14700510) or Michael Dethlefsen, Representative of Danes Worldwide in Austria (M.Dethlefsen@unido.org or 0699 11313434)

Professor Niels Bjørn-Andersen will highlight issues related to digital technological developments and applications such as Internet, WWW, networks, sensors, mobile developments, smartphones, I-pads, RFID, as well as applications like social networks (Facebook), artificial intelligence, business analytics, etc. These technologies will dramatically reduce transaction costs making it more advantageous to buy in market rather than to produce in own hierarchy (own organization). This will make it advantageous to review the hierarchy of traditional organizations and consider the creation of new organizational forms.